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Rules and terms of use:
  1. Guest
    1. A guest user is an user that NOT logged in using the form at the top right of this site
    2. A guest user:
      1. can NOT create any widget
      2. can NOT use others people widgets
  2. Free
    1. A guest user is an user that logged in using the form at the top right of this site
    2. A free user:
      1. Can create widgets
      2. Has a limit of 5 widgets of any type
      3. can NOT use others people widgets
      4. can NOT remove the creator logo from widgets
  3. Premium
    1. A guest user is an user that logged in using the form at the top right of this site and that paid for a better service
    2. A premium user:
      1. Can create widgets
      2. Can create unlimited widgets for any type
      3. can NOT use others people widgets
      4. Will be able to remove the creator logo from widgets
  4. Standard rules
    1. This site use cookies only for technical and statistic reason, currently thwe don't use any cookie for advertisement

      - __cfduid: cookie for security of site to avoid hacking attempts
      - userlog: cookie to allow users being logged in the site
    2. This site provide free/pay space for creating HTML widgets that can be used in others websites
    3. are NOT allowed images showing porn, violence, and any type of content that may lead anyone else in widgets backgrounds
    4. Any user is legally responsible for the widgets content that he edit
    5. we can remove any widget and for any reason if we think it's breaking any rule
    6. user accept the chance of not-preventable problems
      1. widgets are stored on servers and there is always a very little chance of lost of data, to limit this we make backup of all data periodically
      2. This site is NOT responsible for any money lost depending of a losts of data by the user that use this service
      3. In case of problems a premium user will be refunded of the montlhy payment proportionally to the widgets lost
    7. This service is provided "as is"
    8. Premium users can have their money back if they ask it in max 5 days from the 1st payment of ever because this virtual service has own costs of working
    9. If you are trying to cheat the refund will be denied
    10. Premium account costs are related to mainteinance of servers and the site
    11. This site is a NOT lucrative site because our goal is giving all the chance to create HTML widgets to all for free and allow to someone that want a better service to pay a very little amount of money only for the server costs (about everyone can know that a server is a big cost)
    12. A premium account costs 0,50€ for a related duration of 30 days
  5. If you use my site you accept all this rules